Welcome to Grade 4

Welcome to Grade 4

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Dates to Remember...


Feb. 7th PAC Game Night at KSA gym at 5:30pm

Feb. 8th Pro-D Day

Feb. 14th Valentine's Day
- Valentines can be handed out to all students in the class.  A class list will be sent home on Friday.  PLEASE NO SLIME!
- Bake Sale by the Dance Squad
- please bring in a box (shoebox, kleenex box) and egg carton ASAP as we will be making Valentine Holders

Feb. 18th Family Day

Feb. 27th  Pink Shirt Day (anti-bully day)


March 1st Pro-D day


WOW!  Another month is complete!  We have been working hard this month.  Here is a snapshot of our month:

This was an activity that helped us learn that our actions and words affect many, even indirectly.  THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!

Career Education

Career Education has been a focus in our class since September.  We have weekly discussions about social issues that arise in the class.  Students are working hard at THINKING BEFORE THEY SPEAK, being in the role of a student, and manners.  They are learning strategies on how to resolve conflicts and following leadership traits (like compromise). We also have set some classroom goals and personal character trait goals that we would like to work on this term.  To help us focus and be the best we can be we are learning to take mental breaks through movement and breathing.  I am using a program called gonoodle at gonoodle.com.  We do this on a daily basis.


We started multiplication and division.  Our focus is on learning and becoming familiar with basic facts.  Students are working on strategies like skip counting, repeated addition, equal groups and "what I already know" (eg. 8x10=80, so 8x9 is 8 less than 80).  Our next step is word problems and 2 digit by 1 digit and 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication.  The Prodigy program is also helping us develop these skills.  You can follow their progression using their account at prodigygame.com

Language Arts

Students are learning to use the program Google Read and Write on the chrome books.  This is assisting them with spelling, researching and writing down thoughts orally.  We have taken notes in social studies and written journal entries using the program.

We are progressively learning about poetic devices and writing poetry.  Our themes have been about the earth sciences (the sun, the moon, the seasons and weather).  Types of poems we have covered are the Haiku, Concrete and Cinquain.  Through writing poetry students are also working on writing in more detail and with expression.  We are using parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs), similes, metaphors, and personification.

We are also collaboratively working in guided reading groups with Mrs. Baldwin, Mr. Sadik's class and Ms. Yanko's class.  This has proven to be successful and students are receiving more feedback on their reading as they are in smaller groups.  This also allows us to focus on reading strategies and concepts like  idioms, defining vocabulary words, and contractions.


Our focus this term is on the relationship and patterns between the sun, the moon and the earth.  We just finished learning about the sun and we are now discovering the moon.  There is a new moon on February 4th.  I would like students to track the moons phases until the full moon on February 19th.  This would require your child to observe the moon each night and draw it.  A chart will be coming home on Friday.  Students will also be exploring the seasons, the tides, and solar/lunar eclipses. A final project will be a model or poster exploring one of these concepts.

Digital Literacy

We just finished a great unit on Digital Literacy with our librarian, Mr. Staginnus.  This unit taught us how to be safe on the internet, how to give credit to people's work and how to research topics in a focused way.  PLEASE review these concepts with you child and also go over the safe expectations when online.

The Arts

Poetry about the earth sciences is our theme in learning through the arts.  In drama, they are expressing their thoughts poetically about the tilt of the earth.  In dance and music, we are collaboratively working with Ms. Yanko's class.  We will be performing a moon song, adapted from our choir song "The Moon".  In choir, we are learning a 4 part piece called "Haiku of the Seasons" and an expressive song about the moon.  We will have a informal performance at the end of the month.  A date to come ASAP.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

New Year Reminders

Happy New Year!

A few reminders...

Dress for the weather! 
Please make sure students have a winter jacket, winter boots, toque and gloves so they are prepared to be outside.  Students are not to enter the building until 8:20 am, as there is no supervision in the building.  Students are to also have a change of shoes for indoor use and gym. 


We are using the chrome books a lot more.  Please make sure students bring in headphones (inexpensive please).  This will keep the students more focused and less distracted by other chrome books making sounds.


I will be signing agendas now at the end of the day to make sure students are using them as a organizational tool.  Please make sure students have their agendas and bring it into the class at the beginning of the day.  Also, please check it every night for information.

Multiplication Facts

Every night students should be practicing their multiplication facts as we are starting our unit on multiplication/division.  Memorization and strategies to know these facts are important so we can build on these skills.

Thank you for your support.😊