Welcome to Grade 4

Welcome to Grade 4

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Orange Shirt Day

Orange Shirt Day

Monday- September 30th

Students are encouraged to wear orange.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Gym Time

Due to Pro-D Day PE will be on Tuesday, September 24th.  Please make sure students have a pair of runners in their locker for the year for PE and indoor shoes.

Lunches & Food

Reminders regarding lunch and food:

- nut aware school- please find alternatives and avoid all nut snacks (including nutella, cookies with nuts, etc)

- Vending Machines and Cafeteria is off limits to elementary students during school hours (8:30am-2:30pm

- no Microwave access- microwaves are not supervised and therefore is a safety concern when warming up food.  Please use thermoses if food needs to be eaten warm.

- Hot Lunch meals program is provided and can be ordered monthly through munchalunch.com/schools/KSA

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Library Update:

Our library Assistant, Mrs. Burkholder, will be away for the next few weeks.  Due to her absence we will be having library on Fridays

Important Dates

Dates to Remember:

September 23rd- Pro-D Day  (No school)

September 24th- Student Photo Day (forms coming home)

September 26th- Terry Fox Run (wear comfy clothes and runners)

October 10th- Parent/Teacher Interviews (early dismissal)

Saturday, 7 September 2019


1. Please hand in forms ASAP

- School Permission Forms
- School Supplies
- PAC- popcorn (optional)
- PAC - coupon Fundraiser
- Blue Form - information for Mrs. Piroddi

2. Sign Up for this Blogsite- will receive email updates when I post

3. Dates:

September 23rd- ProD Day
October 10th- early dismissal (12:30)- PT interviews


Weekly Schedule

Physical Education (with Mr.McBride and Mr. Smigielski)

Monday and Thursday
Tuesday (when Monday is a holiday/Pro-D Day)
* Please have Gym Strip and running shoes for school



Art Rotations

Monday- Music (Mrs. Piroddi)
Tuesday- Art (Mr. Sadik)
Wednesday- Drama (Mrs. McCloy)
Thursday- Dance (Mrs. Varga) -where comfortable clothing
Friday- Choir (Mrs. Piroddi)
Welcome to Mrs. Piroddi's Grade 4/5 class.  It has been a pleasure to get to know all the students this week and settle into routines and expectations.  This week we got to know each other through activities and writing.  We also made name tags, discovered our surroundings and classroom, played some outdoor games (Jacks, chalk obstacle course, playground games, tag games and hand clap games), and met our fellow classmates in Pod 2 through a mini-art-rotation on Thursday.  Students also discussed why expectations and rules are important, their role as a student and my role as a teacher and what makes us calm when things become frusterating or stressful.

Looking forward in the year to come!!!