Term Reports- term reports went home last week. Please review, sign and return to me asap
November 22nd - Field Trip to TCC for Olympic Day - forms need to be in asap
November 24th - Flannel day - wear flannel/plaid
- Hot lunch forms due
- Santa Pictures forms due
- poinsettia forms due
- Scholastic orders due
November 25th - PAC CRAFT FAIR - We are in need of baked items for the bake sale. If interested in baking please drop off items to the classroom this week.
November 30th - Santa pictures
* Science project on wind energy *
Last week of November students will be taking a day and designing a model that will produce renewable wind energy. We are in need of the following items:- cardboard tubes (eg. toilet paper roles, paper towel rolls)
- dowel sticks and wooden scewers (eg. shish-ka-bobs)
- pool noodles
- cardboard (eg. cereal boxes)
- round objects with center holes (eg. big beads)
Donations of these items are greatly appreciated asap.
Math project
- we will be looking at Christmas Flyers and creating a wish list (including cost). Students will be manipulating the numbers by rounding, estimating, adding, and subtracting. Please collect and donate any flyers that would be appropriate for this activity (toys, games, electronics, etc.)