Welcome to Grade 4

Welcome to Grade 4

Monday, 30 April 2018

May updates

A few updates for May...

May 7th- 3-D Biome dioramas Due
- students may work on these at home or bring in materials to work on in class.  Shoe boxes or platforms are needed.  Remind students that materials are to be used with purpose and nothing should be wasted or used for personal use.

May 8th- Class Photo Day

May 9th- Dress Rehearsal for Pod Sharing for school- please wear black pants, socks and shoes

May 10th- Pod 2 Sharing 6:30pm- please wear black pants, socks and shoes

May 18th- Pro-D day

May 21st- Victoria Day

MCQUEEN LAKE TRIP- forms were sent home today regarding our overnight trip to McQueen Lake in June.  Please read over carefully and email me if you have any questions.  I still need a couple volunteers for overnight.  Please let me know if this is possible for you.  Parents are more than welcome to come up for the day to support and participate.