Welcome to Grade 4

Welcome to Grade 4

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to School!  

Its been a pleasure getting to know your children this week.  They are all keen, excited and full of good energy.  Let's try and make this last for the year!

With the new year brings many forms and notices.  Please make sure you have read, filled out and signed all documents.  Please return them ASAP.

Agendas will not be available until end of next week as we are awaiting their arrival and student fees do need to be paid.

X tables
Coming home tomorrow will be a booklet for Multiplication Tables.  We will not be officially starting multiplication and division until January, but I would like students to know their tables up to 12 from memory.  Please review with them every night.

Dates to Remember:
Bake Sale Fundraiser- Wednesday, September 18th- please bring a baked item (nut free)
Pro-D day- Friday, September 21st
Picture Day - Tuesday, September 25th
Terry Fox Run - Thursday, September 27th