We are onto our last week of school before our winter break.
Here is a look at the activities planned for the week...
- Field trip to see The Grinch at the movie theatre
- Crazy sox day- wear festive, colourful socks
- Christmas Hamper for Christmas Amalgamated is DUE
We still need: potatoes, stuffing, can of cranberry jelly, juice, apples, oranges, Christmas cake, Bread or buns
Thank you for those who have contributed and supported this event so far.
- Festive colour day- wear holiday colours
- Rehearsal for Christmas Concert - all students please be in attendance
- Ugly Holiday Sweater Day
- Secret Santa Gift Due
- Clean out lockers/take home art- Bring a reusable bag
- Concert Day
Please wear all black with an accent of Red and White
Performances at 1:00pm and 6:00pm
All students please meet in the elementary music studio at 5:40pm
Pick up will be at the classroom/locker
- PJ day
- Secret Santa
Other Activities:
- Marble mazes- any other materials for this would be appreciated
- Favourite Christmas Song Art
- making Christmas Cards and letters
- Fun Christmas themed activities and games
- preparing for our performance on Thursday