June 15th-June 19th
Monday- Open Office Hours- 10:00am-11:30am
Meeting ID: 875 5792 8407
Password: 414391
*this is optional*
Monday- Class Meeting
- Costume day (Dress up in a costume) & games
Meeting ID: 875 5792 8407
Password: 414391
Last assignments Due by Friday
Check The Beat and Google classroom for missing assignments
Core Competency sheet is a reflection sheet that is included in the report card. Please have student fill it out and turn it in by Friday (in google classroom)
June 22nd- 25th
Last week!
Summer Activities on Google Classroom
- summer bucket list
- lego challenge
- art activities
Social Distance Picnic Party
- ALL invited
- Summer birthdays celebrated
- Sweet Treat & Games
- Report Card pick up and memory book given
- Date and Time TBA
Thank for your suppport,
Mrs. Piroddi