December is here!
Here are some curriculum and activity updates:
December 7th- Pro-D Day - no school
December 10th- Poinsettia Fundraiser Pick Up at school 2:30pm-4:30pm. More details to come.
December 10th- Christmas Concert Filming. Please have students wear all black with a santa hat (any colour). Some students have parts in the song that have to wear costumes.
December 8th-11th-Interm Reports to go home . This report is to let you know how your student is doing in all subjects so far, along with students self reflection. If you need to discuss this report please make an appoinment with me via zoom or a phone call.
Curriculum Concepts:
Math- Data Anaylsis, graphs, pictographs and patterns
Social Studies- Mapping Skills and Natural Resources in Canada
Language Arts- Reading Strategies (context clues, vocabulary and text features), Spelling (tion,sion, ought, aught, ght words), descriptive writing strategies, and making complete sentences.
December Activities:
Throughout the coming weeks we will be participating in many festive activities, such as a Christmas novel study, creating Christmas cards, writing activities and art projects.
- Secret Santa Gift Exchange-
Students chose names on Friday out of a hat. Students are asked to keep it a secret and to try and get to know their chosen name. Gifts can range from buying a gift under $10.00, making something or regifting (white elephant). If students need ideas or help providing a gift they are able to ask me for support. We will be exchanging gifts on December 18th. Gifts are due under the tree by December 17th.
-Christmas Amalgamated-
3-5 lbs. Potatoes
A can of Cranberry Jelly
Canned Vegetables
Cans of Soup
Jello or pudding
1 dozen Apples
1 dozen Oranges
Christmas cake
Chocolate or candy
Mixed nuts
Tea or coffee