Welcome to Grade 4

Welcome to Grade 4

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope you are taking the time this weekend to be thankful and spending some family time together.  Grade 4's composed their first paragraph on what they are thankful for.  We worked on an opening sentence and details.  I hope they shared them with you.

This week we are having an early dismissal on Wednesday at 12:30pm.  On this day the Grade 4's are hosting an Open House from 12:30pm-1:30pm and then at 6:00pm-7:00pm.  I hope you and your child can attend one of them.  Please let me know.  If you require a 15 minute interview with me please email me or sign up outside the classroom.

Classroom Community
We are also continuing to work on and building a classroom community, in the classroom and during outside play.  Our focus is on positive attitudes, being truthful, looking at all perspectives, thinking before speaking and being the ideal KSA student.  With that being said we have had some conflicts over the past couple weeks and as a class we are discussing ways to resolve our conflicts without our emotions getting the better of us (such as using an "I message", walking away, saying stop, ignoring, and taking a deep breath).  Please review these expectations at home with your child as we want all students to feel safe, happy and have the focus to learn in amazing ways.