Welcome to Grade 4

Welcome to Grade 4

Thursday 26 March 2020

Fun Activities

Here are some suggestions to be creative and have fun until we connect on Monday...

1. Create a rainbow or heart for your front window:



2. Create a Gratitude Jar- Find the Positivity throughout the day:

3. Create a Mindful Bottle (if you were absent the last day)

Ways to use your jar:

For Calming
The swirling glitter is very calming as it falls to the bottom of the bottle, for both kids and adults.  If you are feeling agitated, try it for yourself.  Shaking the bottle feels just as good as watching the last few specks of glitter fall to the bottom of the bottle.

For Relaxation
In the same way it can calm you when you're agitated, shaking the bottle and watching the glitter settle can further relaxation when you're already calm.  Use it when you are getting ready for sleep.

For Learning About the Brain
When your emotions are rising up, the brain (the bottle) floods with cortisol (the glitter) and you flip your lid (shake the bottle), losing access to the prefrontal cortex, its flexibility and reasoning capabilities.  As you breathe, the cortisol dissipates (the glitter settles to the bottom) and you feel calmer and the prefrontal cortex comes back online, making it easier to feel calm and make better decisions.

4. Make Playdoh and create.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems! Episode 04

LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems! Episode 04

Mo Willems is the author of the Pigeon series and Elephant and Piggie series.  He has started a program called Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems that can be found on Youtube.  He does talk a lot at the beginning but gives kids more ideas to do after.  Enjoy!  



A reminder of all the skills and strategies taught in class:
* Being aware of your senses
* 3 Big/slow breaths- inhale and exhale
* Being Present and in the moment

Simple Machines Playground

Before Spring Break we worked so hard on creating our simple machines playgrounds.  I was proud of all the groups as they overcame obstacles, persevered and worked as a team to create.  They turned out great!  Took some photos of them for a keepsake.

Monday 23 March 2020

Hi all my wonderful students!

I hope you all are enjoying your time at home and the beautiful sunshine.  To start I want to say I miss you all so much.  We are still going to learn together, connect with each other and laugh together.

Your first assignment/task/activity is to contribute a joke to our padlet site.  We did this for our favourite Christmas song.  It was through a QR code, but now I will be giving you a link to click on.  Can't wait to read all of your jokes...


* remember to click on the plus sign.  you can also add photos, you tube videos, etc by clicking on the 3 dots on the right hand corner*

I will be in touch with more information.

Mrs. Piroddi