Welcome to Grade 4

Welcome to Grade 4

Wednesday 25 January 2017

FSA's are almost done! 

The Grade 4's have been working super hard and focusing on the task at hand.  We have our numeracy left to do and will be wrapping this up on Friday.  I am looking forward to moving onto the curriculum and I have some exciting activities coming up.

We are well on our way reviewing our multiplication times tables up to 12x.  A booklet was sent home for you to review each night and practice with your child.  Shortly, we will be moving onto multiplication word problems, double and triple digit multiplication and division.

Biomes is our main topic for the term.  Students have been watching videos and taking some simple notes on each biome.  We will be each choosing a biome in partners or groups of three and researching using many resources (the internet, books, notes for the videos, etc.).  We will then be putting together a pamphlet and 3D diorama.  During this process students will be using non-fiction reading strategies,  organizing facts into sentences and paragraphs and presenting information orally, concretely and in document form.

English Language Arts
Students are going to be engaging in a writer's workshop where they will be focusing on writing processes (peer and self editing), sentence and paragraph structure and word choices (spelling).

We will also be completing a novel study together.

We have also set some goals for the rest of Grade 4.  I will be informing you of your child's progress and how they are achieving these goals.