Welcome to Grade 4

Welcome to Grade 4

Tuesday 8 January 2019

New Year Reminders

Happy New Year!

A few reminders...

Dress for the weather! 
Please make sure students have a winter jacket, winter boots, toque and gloves so they are prepared to be outside.  Students are not to enter the building until 8:20 am, as there is no supervision in the building.  Students are to also have a change of shoes for indoor use and gym. 


We are using the chrome books a lot more.  Please make sure students bring in headphones (inexpensive please).  This will keep the students more focused and less distracted by other chrome books making sounds.


I will be signing agendas now at the end of the day to make sure students are using them as a organizational tool.  Please make sure students have their agendas and bring it into the class at the beginning of the day.  Also, please check it every night for information.

Multiplication Facts

Every night students should be practicing their multiplication facts as we are starting our unit on multiplication/division.  Memorization and strategies to know these facts are important so we can build on these skills.

Thank you for your support.😊